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"Accountability is the glue that ties commitment to the result." - Bob Proctor


As we step into the new year, with all of the new resolutions, plans, and goals that come along with the turning of the calendar, I keep asking myself… what are we accountable for as artists? And, how do we stay accountable?

My Answer:

As an artist and a leader I am accountable for: intentionally creating thoughtful work that takes my community and audience in mind, authenticity, owning my mistakes and sharing them as learning experiences, and honoring my commitments to my community (and to myself). I can stay accountable by building a good practice that allows me to check in with my goals and promises on a weekly, monthly, and annual schedule.

Thoughts and Actions:

Webster's Dictionary says the definition of accountability is: "the obligation or willingness to accept responsibility for one's actions."

Accountability is two fold. We are both accountable to our communities and audiences as well as we are accountable to ourselves.

I think in many ways, being accountable means really showing up and being present in the work that you create, even more so to keep your audience in mind as you create a share work. Ensuring the work is “appropriate”. Audience reaction is a version of accountability. An example of this is when an artist creates offensive or inappropriate work, their audience turns on them and refuses to support or participate in it. And I’m not talking about “good” or “bad” - everyone is entitled to make bad work, no one would fault you for that, I’m talking about is responsible or thoughtless work.

The Power of an Accountability Partner or Group:

  • Artists cannot help but make art. But finishing that art can be a daunting task.

  • The busyness of daily life provides an easy excuse to procrastinate finishing work, even when you WANT to finish.

  • An accountability partner or group does not critique work they simply receive it.

  • Knowing your partner/group expects your check-ins subconsciously keeps you on task.

  • Accountability partners or groups can help propel an artist to make more work.

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